Northeast Corner
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The northeast corner was home to a tavern before it housed other commercial enterprises. This building no longer exists. Near its original location, you would now find The Nest Early Learning Center and the Stow Falls Pet Clinic. It is across from the BP station to the west and Stow Glass & Mirror to the south.
Circa 1940s

Circa 1920s

Backstory and Context
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The tavern on the northeast corner was built around 1810, probably by Ezra Wyatt. It was on a stagecoach stop. Ezra also built the sawmill at Stow Corners. The tavern was across the street from the post office. In 1874, the building was converted for use as a parsonage for First Christian Church.
In the 1920s, the tavern house was moved to its present location at 3614 Elm Rd.
Braunlich's Drug Store, Acme were in this location next. The Spaght Building/Dubetz Building was erected in this spot in 1928. It is a rare example in Stow of an early 20th century commercial block, combining elements of the Neoclassic Revival and Chicago Commercial styles.
Ohio Historic Inventory, 1985 Velma Avenue, Columbus, OH 43211. prepared by Steven McQuillin.