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Built in 1948, the R.O. Stenzel & Company Warehouse is an excellent example of the commercial distribution buildings erected in Kansas City after World War II. Designed by architects Kivett & Myers, it represents the architectural trends of the period such as simple masonry construction, light-colored veneer brick, minimal decoration, flat surfaces, banded windows, and loading bays. These features reflect the utilitarian, commercial purpose of the building. Today the the building is home to a branch of the CommunityAmerica Credit Union. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2007.

The R.O. Stenzel & Company Warehouse was built in 1948 and exemplifies the commercial distribution buildings erected in the city after World War II.

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Liquor wholesaler Raymond Stenzel erected the building in 1948, a few years after he established his business between 1943 and 1945 on west 4th Street. By then the neighborhood had evolved from primarily a residential area into an industrial district. Stenzel's business was one of 15 wholesale liquor operators in the city at the time. Stenzel operated the business until 1956 and became president of a cigar company. He later became chairman of the board at a drug company and then moved to Colorado in 1962. After he closed his business, a variety of other tenants occupied the building including a regulator company, a thermostat manufacturer, and a plumbing and heating equipment manufacturer.

Rosin, Elizabeth. "R.O. Stenzel & Company Warehouse." National Park Service - National Register of Historic Places Nomination Form. July 18, 2007.

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