Clio Logo

"Within my work, an emphasis is placed on the natural inherent qualities of material interacting formally to access human emotion and spirituality."-Emmett Culligan

Font, Peach, Logo, Gesture

Ligature #1 is created from galvanized steel and rhyolite. It was curated by the Lyons Arts and Humanities Commission and placed in the grassy triangle where Broadway and Main Street converge. Visitors are able to see it both on their way into town and on their way out of town. Emmett Culligan is a local artist who has been involved in exhibitions in Colorado and New Mexico. He studied sculpture at the University of Colorado at Denver and painting in New York .

"His artistic concerns lie foremost within the manipulation of material and often reference common forms found in everyday life. He considers the act of “making” as primary to the universal human endeavor; finding comfort and purpose in this simple act. Beyond this intent and purpose, content is revealed through a process of “intentional transference” as described by the artist."

Follow his journey in contemporary sculpture on his website,