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Bedford Road Historic District

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The Reuben B. Tyler House is a private residence located in the Bedford Road Historic District in the hamlet of Armonk, NY. The two story Federal style building was originally constructed ca.1850 for local resident Reuben B. Tyler. The house features two interior brick chimneys, six-over-six windows and two-over-two windows, sidelights, and Doric pilasters. A bay window was added in 1880. The Bedford Road Historic District, including the Reuben B. Tyler House, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985.

24 Bedford Road Armonk front of house from April 1986

Plant, Building, Window, Tree

Residence, 24 Bedford Road from 1976

Building, Plant, Window, Sky

Bedford Road Historic District

Plant, Branch, Window, Tree

Bedford Road Historic District

Plant, Sky, Building, Tree

The two story house located at Number 24 Bedford Road in the Bedford Road Historic District was built ca.1850 by local resident Reuben B. Tyler. The building exhibits features that are attributable to the Federal style, such as a narrow gable profile and an articulated entranceway. The home also possesses a gable roof, two interior brick chimneys, six-over-six windows and two-over-two windows, sidelights, Doric pilasters, and a full Doric entablature. A bay window was added in 1880. 

Like the other homes in the Bedford Road Historic District, the Reuben B. Tyler House is cohesive in its scale and enhanced by its setback, mature trees, and low plantings. To the present day, it remains visually evocative of Armonk's early history and serves as a physical reminder of the community 170 years ago. The house's preservation is due to the commendable efforts of Michael Fareri, who saved and restored the Reuben B. Tyler House after it had fallen into major disrepair. The Bedford Road Historic District, including the Reuben B. Tyler House, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1985.

Information and photos for this entry were contributed by the North Castle Historical Society. Special thanks to Sharon Tomback, North Castle Town Historian.

  1. “Bedford Road Historic District #85002903.” National Register of Historic Places. United States Department of the Interior/National Park Service. 1985.
  2. North Castle Historical Society website. Accessed November 2022.
  3. Tomback, Sharon and the North Castle Historical Society. Images of America: North Castle. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing. 2017.
  4. Town of North Castle website. Accessed November 2022.
Image Sources(Click to expand)

Westchester County Historical Society

Westchester County Historical Society

North Castle Historical Society

North Castle Historical Society