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106 East Main Street. Common name: Old Post Office. Date of construction: circa 1895. Style: Italianate. Significance: Primary.

Old Post Office

Automotive parking light, Wheel, Car, Tire

Single story brick masonry building of locally manufactured brick, rectangular in plan. Approximate frontage on Main Street is 37 feet. Facade is organized, like that of the ground story of the Prutsman Building (Inventory #4), as three major openings under segmental arches, the two outer bays being shop windows with brick bulkheads, the central bay being an entrance. Window sash and door have been replaced. Major vertical divisions are marked by beveled brick pilasters from foundation to parapet, and the upper wall is articulated by corbeled string courses, the topmost of which is denticulated. On the rear, or south wall is a frame shed addition.

This building housed the U.S. Post Office Weston from 1910 to 1960. Since that time, it has been used as a residence, a doughnut shop and the start of a museum, which was halted due to the death of the owner.

Information from the Historic Commercial District National Register for Historic Places nomination documentation. Additional research by Bob Gilliland of Weston, Oregon.

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Bob Gilliland