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These two homes across the street from one another are examples of Georgian Revival Style Homes, built in 1916 and 1915 respectively. The Louis Levy House (620) has a Mediterranean feel and the Fred Capelle House (621) has a Federal feel.

620: Past and Present

620: Past and Present

621: Past and Present

621: Past and Present

The Georgian Revival style (or Federal) is an off shoot of the larger Colonial Revival trend popular in the early 1900s and into the 1920s. America's Centennial in 1876 ushered in a wave of nostalgia for everything colonial. Architects looked to Eastern cities such as Boston, Charleston, and Philadelphia for artistic inspiration and began to design homes that mirrored styles popular in the 1700s, albeit with more modern flair. Most of these houses were symmetrical, featured either brick or clapboard construction, and usually were accented with columnns.

Mediterranean style homes were also part of this trend to look backwards for architectural inspiration. These homes were generally stuccoed, with tile or slate roofs, and plenty of wrought iron work to accent the rustic look. Many of these Mediterranean revival homes featured Greek and Roman designs, including statues and fountains, as if the house was plucked from a hillside in Tuscany. 

The neighborhoods of Courthouse Hill, Columbus Circle, and Jefferson and Bostwick feature a large number and endless variety of revival style homes.