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While public opposition became visible through the protests led by Mayor Dyer, Dr. Young received nearly 500 letters in support of Nisei students at Park College (Letter from K.W. Given to Raphael H. Miller). For example, A.J. Mauer from the Stockyard Exchange encouraged Dr. Young, voicing in his correspondence that:

"I greatly approve of your stand on the Japanese students for it is possible they are just as good Americans as we are and I think they should have the benefit of the doubt" (Letter from A.J. Maurer to Dr. Young, Nov. 6, 1942).

While Mauer demonstrated support for Dr. Young’s plan in his letter, he simultaneously called Japanese American loyalty and citizenship into question. Although outwardly supportive, Maurer's inclusion of “benefit of the doubt” for Japanese American loyalty questions Nisei students and their ability to be loyal citizens to the United States.

Letter of support from A.J. Maurer, Nov. 6, 1942

Font, Handwriting, Parallel, Paper

Letter from K.W. Given to Raphael H. Miller, Oct. 19, 1942

Font, Material property, Paper, Paper product

“Donation and Expression of Support,” letter from A.J. Maurer to President Wm. Lindsay Young, Nov. 6, 1942. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.633. 

Dower, John W. War without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War. Pantheon Books, 1986. 

“Letter enclosing requested photographs of Nisei students,” letter from K.W. Given, Dir. of Public Relations at Park College, to Raphael H. Miller, editor of The Christian Evangelist, Oct. 19, 1942. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.804. 

Image Sources(Click to expand)

“Donation and Expression of Support,” letter from A.J. Maurer to President Wm. Lindsay Young, Nov. 6, 1942. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.633.

“Letter enclosing requested photographs of Nisei students,” letter from K.W. Given, Dir. of Public Relations at Park College, to Raphael H. Miller, editor of The Christian Evangelist, Oct. 19, 1942. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.804.