Opposition based on questions of Loyalty - Judith Elliot Moon
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Further letters demonstrated ingrained beliefs against Japanese Americans. While Judith Elliot Moon acknowledges that Nisei students are American Citizens in her correspondence from Ohio, she goes on to say:
"I feel that I would rather have my Alma Mater made room for students whose roots are more firmly imbedded[sic] in American soil and whose loyalties could be counted on without a recommendation from the Federal Bureau of Investigation" (Letter from Judith Elliot Moon to Dr. Young, Sept. 2, 1942).
Even without offensive language, Moon questions the loyalty of Japanese American citizens born and raised within the United States. While less agitated than other oppositional letters, Moon's response reflected an important facet of American perceptions at the time. Further opposition from both past and present Parkville residents prolonged the "Battle of Parkville" in 1942.
Judith Elliot Moon's letter opposing Japanese students, Sept. 2, 1942, Page 1
Judith Elliot Moon's letter opposing Japanese students, Sept. 2, 1942, Page 2
Judith Elliot Moon's letter opposing Japanese students, Sept. 2, 1942, Page 3
“Letter opposing Japanese Students on the basis of the war,” letter from Judith Elliot Moon to Dr. William Lindsay Young, Sept. 2, 1942, page 3. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.562.
“Letter opposing Japanese Students on the basis of the war,” letter from Judith Elliot Moon to Dr. William Lindsay Young, Sept. 2, 1942, page 1. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.562. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.33057510?searchText=PC-L-1942.1.562&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DPC-L-1942.1.562%26scope%3DeyJpZCI6ICIzNDEzOTg5OSIsICJwYWdlTmFtZSI6ICIxOTQyIiwgInBhZ2VVcmwiOiAiL3NpdGUvcGFyay9hcmNoaXZlcy8xOTQyLTM0MTM5ODk5LyIsICJ0eXBlIjogImNvbnRhaW5lciIsICJwb3J0YWxOYW1lIjogIlBhcmsgVW5pdmVyc2l0eSIsICJwb3J0YWxVcmwiOiAiL3NpdGUvcGFyay8ifQ%253D%253D&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A9d42e997b8921dfbb9d8b2d6d307185d&searchkey=1681092384216
“Letter opposing Japanese Students on the basis of the war,” letter from Judith Elliot Moon to Dr. William Lindsay Young, Sept. 2, 1942, page 2. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.562. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.33057510?searchText=PC-L-1942.1.562&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DPC-L-1942.1.562%26scope%3DeyJpZCI6ICIzNDEzOTg5OSIsICJwYWdlTmFtZSI6ICIxOTQyIiwgInBhZ2VVcmwiOiAiL3NpdGUvcGFyay9hcmNoaXZlcy8xOTQyLTM0MTM5ODk5LyIsICJ0eXBlIjogImNvbnRhaW5lciIsICJwb3J0YWxOYW1lIjogIlBhcmsgVW5pdmVyc2l0eSIsICJwb3J0YWxVcmwiOiAiL3NpdGUvcGFyay8ifQ%253D%253D&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A9d42e997b8921dfbb9d8b2d6d307185d&searchkey=1681092384216
“Letter opposing Japanese Students on the basis of the war,” letter from Judith Elliot Moon to Dr. William Lindsay Young, Sept. 2, 1942, page 3. Located in Francis Fishburn Archives and Special Collections, Park University Nisei Collection, Park University, Parkville, MO, ID: PC-L-1942.1.562. https://www.jstor.org/stable/community.33057510?searchText=PC-L-1942.1.562&searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3DPC-L-1942.1.562%26scope%3DeyJpZCI6ICIzNDEzOTg5OSIsICJwYWdlTmFtZSI6ICIxOTQyIiwgInBhZ2VVcmwiOiAiL3NpdGUvcGFyay9hcmNoaXZlcy8xOTQyLTM0MTM5ODk5LyIsICJ0eXBlIjogImNvbnRhaW5lciIsICJwb3J0YWxOYW1lIjogIlBhcmsgVW5pdmVyc2l0eSIsICJwb3J0YWxVcmwiOiAiL3NpdGUvcGFyay8ifQ%253D%253D&ab_segments=0%2Fbasic_search_gsv2%2Fcontrol&refreqid=fastly-default%3A9d42e997b8921dfbb9d8b2d6d307185d&searchkey=1681092384216