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Built in 1914, the Latta Arcade is surrounded by modern office buildings and is one of the last remaining buildings from the early 20th century in this part of downtown Charlotte. The building has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places and holds a gallery of shops, restaurants, and offices.

Latta Arcade Exterior

Latta Arcade Exterior

Latta Arcade was built in 1914 and featured a central atrium and promenade between two floors of shops and restaurants. Designed by William H. Peeps, the building style is considered Beaux-Arts. The two-story building features an expansive skylight, stretching above the common walkway. While it is assumed this feature is to protect shoppers from inclement weather, a common feature in many European markets, it was instead implemented to provide natural light to grade cotton. 

The Latta Arcade is an example of one of the many arcades built on the East Coast during the early 1900s. The buildings served as home to both offices and shopping centers and were filled with stores, restaurants, and shops, similar to a mixed use downtown building crossed with a modern-day shopping mall. 

Charlotte's Latta Arcade celebrated its centennial in 2014 and has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1975. In that time, the building’s exterior has undergone renovation, however the interior is primarily intact. The oldest shop in the arcade is Arcade Mens Room, a barbershop. 

"Latta Arcade: 100 Years of History" by Charlotte Magazine