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Kansas City International Airport

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This is a contributing entry for Kansas City International Airport and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

Five individual oil paintings of three women and two men comprise the People of KC by local artist Kwanza Humphrey, who believes that, “A city isn’t about the objects, buildings or what there is to do, but it’s about the people.” In his vivid paintings, Humphrey strives to make the invisible, visible; convert the ordinary into extraordinary; and seeks to reveal a greater truth in our existence by uncovering the true nature of others through the power of observation beyond the surface. Each portrait depicts a real Kansas Citian - Necia, Harold, Andrea, Jose, and Jana - and represents the essence of humanity and our shared longing of truth and love.

People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey, Gate B56, Kansas City International Airport

Nature, Paint, Organism, Plant

Kansas City artist Kwanza Humphrey

Chin, Tartan, Beard, Flash photography

Necia, from People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey

Cloud, Art, Painting, Wood

Jose, from People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey

Paint, Artist, Organism, Window

Andrea, from People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey

Cloud, Plant, Sky, Dog

Harold, from People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey

Cloud, Sky, Sleeve, Gesture

Jana, from People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey

Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Chin

A group photo of the individuals from People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey.

A group photo of the individuals from People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey.

Plaque accompanying People of KC by Kwanza Humphrey

Font, Signage, Circle, Rectangle

As a child, Kansas City native and artist Kwanza Humphrey found that drawing was a natural form of expression where he could explore his imagination. He pursued a Bachelors in Commercial Art from Missouri Western State University and has been painting for more than 20 years. 

In each of the five portraits of People of KC, Kwanza Humphrey evokes his artist mission: Under the Same Sky in Truth and Love. With a “hope for a better future, connection, and intention,” Humphrey illustrates the sky to represent that hope, while evoking the essence of human connection.

Necia is an instrumental supporter and advocate for Kansas City’s hip hop community. She is seen here relishing record albums on the floor of her living room, where the walls are created by the sky, expressing an openness to others outside of her world.

Harold is an artist and retired teacher. He represents hard work and as he holds rolled up paint canvases while gazing into the abundant tree leaves, signifying the contemplation of challenges that may be out of sight and the path to success.

Andrea is an urban gardener and life coach. As her eyes connect with yours, Andrea is surrounded by lush flora while embracing a dog, representing her sense of caring and passion for cultivating opportunity and growth.

Jose is a poet, muralist, teacher, and activist. He stands atop scaffolding as he pauses from his work to take a moment to ponder, expressing his real-life willingness to stop and share his perspective which portrays our duty as humans to speak our truths.

Jana is a career-oriented family woman, and an artist. With a humble smile, Jana looks intently into the distant sky, signaling there are no limits to follow your dreams.

About, From the Studio | Kwanza Humphrey. Accessed October 26th, 2023.

Public Art: People of KC, Kansas City International Airport. Accessed October 26th, 2023.

Artist: Kwanza Humphrey, Interurban Arthouse. Accessed October 26th, 2023.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

David Trowbridge

David Trowbridge