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Mercy Seat Missionary Baptist Church was founded by Rev. Starks. This church was given it's name by the late Mother Nancy Lewis. Mercy Seat M.B. Church was first located at 3500 Bernard Street. Rev. Starks did not serve as pastor long. Several pastors pastored Mercy Seat M. B. Church until 1936 when a dynamic Rev. Roosevelt Brown was elected as Pastor. Mercy Seat M.B Church moved to different locations in the Mill Creek Valley Neighborhood. The last location in the Mill Creek Valley Neighborhood was at 2730 Bernard Street 63103. Due to Urban Renewal, 460 acres of the Mill Creek Valley Neighborhood was demolished - including the Mercy Seat M. B. Church. Under Rev. Roosevelt Brown's leadership, the church moved to 4424 Washington Blvd. 63108. Rev. Roosevelt Brown served Mercy Seat for 48 years. In 1985, Mercy Seat M. B. Church members elected a new pastor - Rev. James Brown Sr...  After serving steadfastly for 32 years (30 years as Pastor and 2 years as Interim Pastor), on January 20, 2018, the Rev. Dr. James Brown, Sr. was called home from his labor to his reward.  On Nov. 18, 2017, the church elected a new Pastor - Rev. Earl Houston. Rev. Houston served until his health failed, and he passed away on February 12, 2020. On Saturday, May 6, 2023, the Rev. Roger Carson Jr. was installed as the new Pastor of Mercy Seat Missionary Baptist Church.

Mercy Seat M. B. Church 1940 -1960

Sky, Building, Window, Cloud

Mercy Seat M.B. Church moved to 4424 Washington in 1960. There was a March to Washington Bld. Some people call the march "The first March to Washington." Mercy Seat M.B. Church has expanded by adding the Mercy Seat Senior Center, a church elevator, a church Van and more. You can visit Mercy Seat M. B. Church at 4424 Washington Blvd/Rev. James Brown Sr. Blvd.

Our Church History, Mercy Seat Missionary Baptist Church. Accessed November 18th, 2023.

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