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This is a contributing entry for DHSS Herman Holloway Campus - Walking History Tour and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

The Triplex was built around 1931 as housing for doctors at Delaware State Hospital. Three doctors could live in this building at a time. Currently the Triplex functions as a central administrative hub on campus for Facility Operations. It houses superintendents and administrative professionals as well as the office of the capitol budget program administrator. 

Now, scroll down the page and listen to the backstory and context section to learn more about this location.

Triplex Building

Triplex Building

We have now nearly returned to where we began at the Main Administration Building, so this concludes the walking tour of the historic buildings and important locations on the Herman Holloway Campus. On behalf of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the DHSS Library, we thank you for spending time with us today. We hope you found this journey both interesting and enlightening. Feel free to send any questions or comments by email to You can also visit our website at or see us in person at the Springer Building.

Have a great day and once again, thank you for joining us for our walking tour!