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This monument honors Delaware soldiers who defended the Union during the Civil War. The granite columnn was originally located next to a bank building. When that bank building was demolished, the columnn was re-purposed as a veteran's monument, complete with a sculpture of an eagle at the top The monument was dedicated in 1871 and then rededicated in 1880 as part of the city's celebration of Decoration Day-a holiday that has evolved into Memorial Day.

This historic photo of the monument was taken in the early 1900s. For a full view of the photo, please click on the Hagley Digital Archive link at the bottom of the entry.

This historic photo of the monument was taken in the early 1900s. For a full view of the photo, please click on the Hagley Digital Archive link at the bottom of the entry.

For more information about Delaware in the Civil War, please read Michael Morgan's book, Civil War Delaware:: The First State Divided-click the link below to purchase this book.

For more information about Delaware in the Civil War, please read Michael Morgan's book, Civil War Delaware:: The First State Divided-click the link below to purchase this book.