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Buck House is a historic home located near the Bald Mountain community of Yancey County, North Carolina. Built around 1904, it is a large two-story, Colonial Revival style frame dwelling. The front facade features an expansive one-story porch supported by turned columnns. Other contributing resources on the property are stonewalls, three domestic outbuildings, which include a springhouse, apple house, wood shed, a store, and and the family cemetery. The property also includes a family cemetery, established in 1938. The property is on National Register of Historic Places.

The Buck House currently.

The Buck House currently.

The Spring House

The Spring House
The Buck House Inn on Bald Mountain Creek is a Colonial Revival home completed in 1904 after two years of construction. It was built as a residence for David and Pearl Buck, who were in their early twenties.  Mr. Buck owned a timber company and over 4,000 acres. Non-wormy chestnut trees were cut from their property and milled on the banks of Bald Mountain Creek. The mill was powered by a hydro-electric generator which received energy from the ever-flowing creek. This generator also supplied the Bucks with the first electric lights in the community. Thirteen fireplaces and wood stoves heated the home and the wide hallway provided cooling breezes with the doors opened at either end. The Bucks referred to their home site as “Dreamdale.” It included several outbuildings and structures still standing on the property today: the spring house, the old general store/post office, apple house, chicken shed, multiple hand-laid stone walls and bridges, and also the Buck Family Cemetery.  The Buck House and its outbuildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.