Historical Marker: Suffrage Tablet
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This marker commemorates one of more important dates in women's history. On December 10, 1869, the Wyoming legislature convened as this location and voted to grant women the right to vote. Governor John Allan signed the legislation, making Wyoming the first state to pass such a law. The Cheyenne chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution erected the marker in 1917.
The marker
The marker is on the bottom right
Learn more about the history of suffrage in the Western states with this book from historian Virginia Scharff
Tom Rea, "Right Choice, Wrong Reasons: Wyoming Women Win the Right to Vote," Wyoming State Historical Society, WyoHistory.org accessed 12/10/16 http://www.wyohistory.org/essays/right-choice-wrong-reasons-wyoming-women-win-right-vote
"Suffrage Tablet." The Historical Marker Database. Accessed December 8, 2016. Photos by: Barry Swackhamer