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Lane Hall is one of the oldest buildings on campus. The seal on the front of the building is now one of the symbols of the university. Lane Hall is used as the center for Math and Computer Science classes.

Front of Lane Hall

Front of Lane Hall

Front of Lane Hall

Front of Lane Hall

Inside of Lane Hall

Inside of Lane Hall

Seal on the front of the Building

Seal on the front of the Building

Side view of Lane Hall

Side view of Lane Hall

Department sign

Department sign

Map View

Map View

Front Architecture of the Building

Front Architecture of the Building

Entry way

Entry way

Lane Hall is one of the oldest buildings on campus; it was begun in 1910 and finished in 1912. The building was named after Mrs. Frances Lane Bias the wife of the schools second president. The seal on the front of the building is often displayed as a symbol of the university. Until later on in 1980s, Lane Hall was the campus dining hall and then construction of a new facility began.

"The Department offers undergraduate programs leading to Bachelor of Science degrees in both Mathematics and Computer Science. The Department also offers a M.S. in Mathematics with concentrations in Mathematics Education, Applied Mathematics, Community College Teaching, and Remote Sensing."

ECSU Buildings :: Show. Accessed November 24, 2020.