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The Mariners Museum and Park located in Newport News, VA off of Warwick Blvd showcases many interesting artifacts and exhibits involving maritime history. The museum is home over 90,000 square feet of exhibits that feature a nearly complete history of the human race at sea. The Museum is now in possession of over 32,000 artifacts related to maritime history. With the astounding number of visual aids and information throughout the museum, guest are sure to gain useful knowledge and understanding of maritime history.

The USS Monitor Center

The USS Monitor Center

The Mariners Museum and Park

The Mariners Museum and Park

          The Mariners Museum and Park was created in 1930 by Archer Huntington and his wife.  The original property contained a museum and Lake Maury.  Over the years the museum has grown to showcase over 32,000 maritime artifacts from all over the world.  This museum is intended to showcase how important maritime history is to everyone in the world.  Through migrations, shipping, and wars, past mariners have helped shape the world we live in now. 

          The museum is home to many interesting exhibits and the award-winning USS monitor center.  The museum was named the official repository for artifacts of the Monitor in 1987.  The USS Monitor center lies within the property of the park and highlights the history of the "ironclad revolution" during the Civil War.  The center contains over 210 tons of artifacts from the monitor along with interesting archival information about the vessel. 

         The USS Monitor Center is just one of ten of the amazing exhibitions within the 550-acre property.  Relics range from the early age of exploration in the seas to artifacts from the sinking of the Titanic.  The property also features a 3-D movie theater showing educational films and documentaries.  With such a vast area of property and information, this location would be better enjoyed for more than one day to get the full experience.             

"About Us - The Mariners' Museum and Park." The Mariners Museum and Park. Accessed April 12, 2017.

"About Us - The Mariners' Museum and Park." The Mariners Museum and Park. Accessed April 12, 2017.