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Mt. Gilead Methodist Church was founded in 1824 by a pastor named Rev. John Smith. The church building here today is not the original; it has been rebuilt several times. The church is notable for its association with the Civil War, specifically with the siege of Atlanta in the summer of 1864, which lasted from July to early September. Union and Confederate forces both used the church as a hospital. Between August 27-29 a skirmish took place as Union forces marched past the church on their way to Jonesboro and Red Oak to take control of the railroads, which up until then offered a means for the city to resupplied. Union troops succeeded in this, forcing the evacuation and eventual fall of the city on September 2nd.

"Mt. Gilead M. E. Church - Organized 1824." The Historical Marker Database. Accessed October 9, 2017. 

"Historic Mt. Gilead - Methodist Church." The Historical Marker Database. Accessed October 9, 2017.