Clio Logo
This structure sits on Lot 27 of the original town plat and embraces a portion of the site of Fort Savannah, a frontier log fort. In 1856, the lot was conveyed by Alexander Reynolds to his widowed sister, Sally Patton, and the house may have been built shortly after it was acquired. It was a residence until 1936 when it was converted into a funeral chapel.

Sally Patton (1817-1892) was the widow of Dr. William M. Patton and sister of General Alexander Reynolds of the Confederate Army.  Her only son, Lt. W. A. M. Patton of the Confederate Army, died from a disease he caught during the Civil War.  At her death, The Greenbrier Independent wrote, "She was a staunch southerner and an uncompromising rebel. During the war her house was a sort of general rendezvous for Confederate officers and soldiers who always got the best her table could afford." It had been reported she secreted ammunition in her home.
Woods Dayton, Ruth. Greenbrier Pioneers and Their Homes. Charleston, WV: WV Publishing Company, 1942.

Bunn Donnally, Morgan. The People of the Old Stone Cemetery: The Obituaries 1853-1979. Self-published, 2017.