New York Central and Hudson Railroad Station Historic Location
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The New York Central and Hudson Railroad had a monopoly on travel from New York City to Rochester, and anywhere else in the state for that matter. The original Central-Hudson train station was built in 1882 at the intersection of N. St. Paul Street and Central Avenue in downtown Rochester. In 1895, after Fredrick Douglass’s death, the Central-Hudson Railroad was the choice of transportation for the long trip from Washington D.C. to Rochester, Douglass’s final resting place. The Central-Hudson station was replaced just 19 years later in 1914. Since then the train station has moved just down Central Avenue to its current location.
This entry is part of a public history project developed by the RIT Museum Studies program in celebration of the bicentennial of Frederick Douglass’s birth (February 1818).
New York Central and Hudson River R.R. Depot. 1901-1913. Rochester Public Library Local History postcard collection, Rochester, N.Y.¤tIndex=0&view=fullDetailsDetailsTab

Backstory and Context
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Location given is the location of the modern Amtrak depot in Rochester.
New York Central and Hudson River R.R. Depot. 1901-1913. Rochester Public Library Local History postcard collection, Rochester, N.Y.¤tIndex=0&view=fullD...
Please see the digitized scrapbooks related to Frederick Douglass in the Monroe County Library Collection: