Museum & Library of Confederate History
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In the main gallery, you will find on display an Ellsworth gun on a carriage.

These Morse Carbine manufactured in Greenville, SC during what the museum refers to as the "War for Southern Independence."

A Union soldier's cavalry shell jacket, Confederate soldiers often wore these during the early months of the war.

A Confederate soldier's sack coat and equipment.

Medical instruments and supplies used during the war.

The Museum and Library of Confederate History is operated by the SCV, an organization formed to vindicate the antebellum South.

U.D.C. Catechism for Children (1904), Cornelia Branch Stone, Texas UDC

Backstory and Context
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United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) was founded in 1894 for the purpose of supporting Confederate veterans and defending the perspectives of white Southerners who supported the Confederacy. The organization raised significant support for hospitals that served men with serious injuries and also dedicated funds for reburials of men who had been hastily buried. The organization is best-known today for its primary activity, a massive campaign to dominate the historical memory of the war by building monuments and determining what books and other materials would be utilized by schools. One of the most influential early leaders of the UDC wrote a book that celebrated the KKK while several national leaders wrote essays defending slavery. The UDC used a variety of methods to convince future generations that slaves were treated kindly as demonstrated by this call-and-response "catechism" that became a required ritual in many Southern schools:
- Question: What causes led to the war between the States?
- The disregard on the part of the States of the North, for the rights of the Southern or slave-holding States...
- Question: What were these rights?
- The right to regulate their own affairs and to hold slaves as property.
- Question: How were slaves treated?
- Answer: With great kindness and care in nearly all cases, a cruel master being rare..
According to scholar Elizabeth Hayes Turner, the "open-mindedness that accompanies intellectual inquiry never presented itself for adoption among members of the UDC. Their goal was propagandistic..." Turner concludes that UDC members were worried that the next generation of white Southerners might entertain views that were "critical of slavery or of the Lost Cause" which posited the South fought for freedom against a hostile Northern invasion of their region.
The SCV and UDC also waged a campaign to erase the history of the millions of Southerners who supported the Union. To learn more about the UDC, please consider the book by Karen L. Cox entitled Dixie’s Daughters: The United Daughters of the Confederacy and The Preservation of Confederate Culture.
One of the new additions to the museum is an 1857 12-pound Napoleon cannon that sits on the front lawn of the museum. However, once inside you will come across the main gallery featuring an Ellsworth gun and much more. The museum also offers artifacts such as an original 1860 Gilbert Square Baby Grand Piano, a rare Le Mat pistol manufactured in Paris, Confederate soldier’s uniforms, and medical instruments and supplies used during the war.
Cornelia Branch Stone, Texas United Daughters of the Confederacy, "Catechism for Children," 1904.
Karen Cox, Dixie’s Daughters: The United Daughters of the Confederacy and The Preservation of Confederate Culture, Second Edition, University Press of Florida.
Elizabeth Hates Turner, Women, Culture, and Community: Religion and Reform in Galveston, 1880-1920. New York. Oxford University Press, 1997.