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Created in 1939 as a memorial for veterans of the Great War (known today as World War I), this Portsmouth memorial bears the names of soldiers from Scioto County who perished in both World Wars and conflicts ranging from Korea and Vietnam to modern wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Names of families' loved ones that served are written on bricks that encircle the memorial.

The front of the memorial

The front of the memorial

Bricks with names of loved ones, these bricks helped fund the memorial

Bricks with names of loved ones, these bricks helped fund the memorial

Men who served in WWI

Men who served in WWI

Some of the men who Served in WWII

Some of the men who Served in WWII

The men who served in the Korean War

The men who served in the Korean War

The men who fought in the Vietnam War

The men who fought in the Vietnam War

Men who served in Desert Strom, Iraqi Freedom, Lebanon, Grenada, and Panama

Men who served in Desert Strom, Iraqi Freedom, Lebanon, Grenada, and Panama
In 1993, the town of Portsmouth decided to put a memorial for the local servicemen with the names of men that lost their lives or are missing in action carved into stone with a flagpole in the center. The memorial features four benches made from locally quarried stone. Funding for the memorial came from donations and the purchase of bricks engraved with the names of local veterans.

The memorial is kept up to date by the city of Portsmouth. The memorial includes 84 men from the area who died in World War I and 208 who perished in World War II. There are 31 names representing local men who died in Korea. This area is home to annual celebrations and commemorations of local veterans and the memorial continues to expand as funding is available and as new names are added. 

On the rear of the memorial is written "
In honor and memory of all veterans of Scioto County who served our country in times of peace and war. And to those who paid the supreme sacrifice so that we may enjoy freedom. Their spirit, devotion, a love of country will be forever remembered."  
Wonnacott, Lee. Veterans Memorials. Accessed April 04, 2018.

Scioto County Commissions. Accessed April 04, 2018.