"All Around the Town" Mosaic
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This mosaic created by local children and artist Debora Palmer depicts a variety of downtown scenes. It is located along the Caperton Trail restroom building, in between the amphitheater in Hazel Ruby McQuain Park and the roundabout before the footbridge across Deckers Creek.
Full mosaic, all 6 panels.

Detail of panel 1.

Detail of panel 2.

Detail of panel 3.

Detail of panel 4.

Detail of panel 5.

Detail of panel 6.

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Summer campers in the Morgantown Board of Parks and Recreation (BOPARC) program "Arts in the Park" designed this colorful mural at the Hazel Ruby McQuain Park. Campers were asked to consider what Morgantown meant to them and draw images of what was most significant to them about Morgantown. Each camper made a small mosaic out of cardboard, then instructors and artists assembled the piece. Artist Debora Palmer helped coordinate this project.
Interview with Debora Palmer, artist who helped assemble the piece.