Titanic Museum
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Exhibit showing how cold the air and water was on the night of the sinking.

An overhead look at the museum.

An exhibit showing the levels of inclination that the ship was at that visitors can attempt to climb.

The grand staircase inside of the museum. This picture also shows the dress of one of the employees.

Backstory and Context
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When you are walking into the museum you are literally walking onto the Titanic because the entire museum is a replica of the ship. Including the iceberg on the outside of the scaled to size “ship building”, the museum incorporates accurate replicas such as the grand staircase, which cost 1 million dollars to construct. Over top of the staircase is the large glass dome originally seen on the Titanic. Workers are dressed like people that would have worked on the Titanic, and act as guides or even cashiers that will speak appropriate to the time and can share additional information.
The museum captures the true essence of the ship and time period by giving each person that goes to the museum a card at the beginning of their excursion. The card includes the name, age, gender, class, and job of the person that was aboard the Titanic. While you’re in the museum, you are that person. Taking their identity, you are able to witness what it would be like to have been in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class on the Titanic, and are able to see the fate of the person that you were assigned.
Besides having this new identity, the museum offers other exhibits and experiences to make the attraction more accurate. Visitors can shovel “coal” in a room designed to be the boiler room of the ship. There is also an exhibit where people can try to climb the different slopes that the ship was at during its sinking, and then feel how cold 28 degree water is, accompanied by the temperature of the room dropping and the iceberg in the center of the room for them to touch.
Not only does the museum highlight the tragedy, but it also highlights the Hollywood side that Titanic created. In the museum there are props used to film the Titanic movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Within this exhibit, you will be able to see clothing worn by the cast as well.
The Titanic Museum commemorates the lives lost at sea during the sinking and gives visitors the opportunity to do so as well.