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The Frontenac Historical Society features exhibits covering a variety of topics including the Civil War, Native American history, and recreation on Cayuga Lake. It is housed in a historic Presbyterian church built in 1840. Local artists also display their work here. The land on which the church stands was donated by George Howland, who was a sea captain from New Bedford. *Please note that as of December 2018, the museum's website is not working. Its Facebook page is, however, regularly updated.

The Frontenac Historical Society & Museum is located in this historic Presbyterian church.

The Frontenac Historical Society & Museum is located in this historic Presbyterian church.
"Frontenac Historical Society." TripAdvisor. Accessed December 29, 2018.

"Frontenac Museum." Cayuga County Office of Tourism. Accessed December 29, 2018.

Photo: Cayuga County Office of Tourism