Lincoln Square Circle, Hodgenville
Text-to-speech Audio
Lincoln Monument in Lincoln Square Circle, Hodgenville, KY

Marble foundation of the Lincoln Monument

This statue of a young Abraham Lincoln was added in 2008.

Plaque Young Abroham Lincoln Statue Lincoln Square Circle Hodgenville, Ky (3)

The square also includes the Gettysburg Address

Lincoln's Second Inagural Address

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
The city dedicated the six-foot tall monument of Lincoln on May 31, 1909. The statue was made by German sculptor Adolph Weinman who was also responsible for making another Lincoln statue located inside the Kentucky capitol building in Frankfort. Abraham’s son Robert Todd Lincoln attended the unveiling ceremony along with over 10,000 other guests. Governor Augustus E. Wilson accepted the statue on part of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Abraham Lincoln was born February 12, 1809 in what which is now Larue County Kentucky. The bronze statue depicts Lincoln sitting in an Empire style chair and rests on a 12ft marble foundation that is strategically placed to act as a centerpiece for Hodgenville. The words inscribed on the marble foundation read: "Two miles south of here Abraham Lincoln was born February twelfth eighteen hundred and nine erected with appropriations made by the legislatures of Kentucky and Congress of the United States of America ANNO DOMINI MCMIX" (3)
On May 31, 2008 a statue depicting a young Abraham Lincoln sitting on a tree stump reading a book was added to the collection in Public Square Memorial. Nearby in the square on the side of a stone block a plaque reads:
The town square is located next to several historic buildings such as Hodgenville Christian Church which was built in 1877 it is the second oldest remaining building in town. The statue is also located next to the Lincoln Museum.
2.Thomason, Philip. Abraham Lincoln Statue. Wikipedia. . .
3.Abroham Lincoln Statue Hodgenville KY. . .