Major William Chronicle Marker
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The smaller marker first memorialized the battleground here in 1815, only 35 years after the battle. Postcard from the 1920s that shows the two monuments behind an iron fence to protect them from vandals

The Kings Mountain Battleground, showing the north slope of the ridge, on the left, and the original Chronicle marker in the background. Sketched by Benson J. Lossing during his visit to the area on January 8, 1849.

Backstory and Context
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In 1914 the Kings Mountain Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution erected the monument to the right. The original monument had suffered from vandalism and age.
Robert W. Blythe, Maureen A. Carroll, Steven H. Moffson, Kings Mountain National Military Park: Historic Resource Study, (Washington DC: Cultural Resources Planning Division, National Park Service, 1995), 53-54, 60.
National Register of Historic Places Inventory Form: Lexington Green
Historical Handbook Number Twenty-Two, (Washington D.C.: Governmental Printing Office, National Park Service, 1995).