Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium
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The Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium offers visitors the opportunity to explore a range of historical and natural science artifacts. Housed within a late 19th century Victorian building, Franklin Fairbanks founded in the museum in 1889. Today it also includes a planetarium (opened in 1961) and local weather station.
Backstory and Context
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The Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, founded in 1891 by Franklin Fairbanks, is a combination museum and planetarium located in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Visitors will see an abundance of natural history exhibits and specimens, many presented in large-scale dioramas Additionally, there are countless ethnographic displays from around the world. It is a veritable curiosity cabinet of the world!
The Museum is also home to the Eye On the Sky weather station that broadcasts daily weather, farming and gardening information throughout the greater Vermont area.
The Museum is also home to the Eye On the Sky weather station that broadcasts daily weather, farming and gardening information throughout the greater Vermont area.
About: History. Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium. . 7/24/2019. https://www.fairbanksmuseum.org/about.
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