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Sarah (nicknamed Sally) and David Tishler started a tavern here in the mid-1930s. Sally’s daughter Dorothy and her husband, Jerry Miller, bought the restaurant in 1952 and in the early 50’s the house at 245 was incorporated into the original structure. Sally’s restaurant was a mainstay eatery in town from the 1940s until the 1970s. The space later became a location for a Charlie Brown's Steakhouse. In 2018, The Blue Horse opened on the site.

Sally's, circa the 1970s

Sally's, circa the 1970s

A view of the interior, showing some of the murals

A view of the interior, showing some of the murals
Sarah (nicknamed Sally) and David Tishler started a tavern here in the
mid-1930s. During the war years, Sally served food from the small kitchen and in 1948 there was a large dining room that was added to the back of the tavern along Third Avenue. 
The restaurant had many dining rooms, each with its own unique design. Sally’s daughter Dorothy and her husband, Jerry Miller, bought the restaurant in 1952 and in the early 50’s the house at 245 was incorporated into the original structure. Murals graced the walls. Sally’s restaurant was a mainstay eatery in town from the 1940s until the 1970s.
The space later became a location for a Charlie Brown's Steakhouse, a chain eatery; after the demise of the chain, the location passed through several hands. In 2018, The Blue Horse opened on these premises.
Highland Park Historical Commission