Springbrook Park
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Springbrook Park is a public outside facility that includes: two playgrounds, outside basketball courts, a pavilion, a workout area, a few picnic tables, grills, and a trail. Many people walk around the trail at Alcoa and read the many educational signs displayed out to the sides. This is a oublic facility so it is open to all at all times.
Backstory and Context
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Members of the Alcoa Garden Club are shown in this picture. They are seen planting a weeping cherry tree in Springbrook Park in 1953 in memory of Mrs. R.C. Laurell, a charter member of the club. In the center is Mary Lee Hord. The other members are unidentified. Alcoa was designated a Tree City in 1986. The creation of Springbrook Park followed ALCOA's commitment to provide one acre of park per 100 residents. Shown here is the stone bridge that crosses the brook for which the park is named. The bridge provided access to the Springbrook School grounds, and splits the park down the center.
Duggan, David R.. Williams, George. Alcoa.