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Despite being the house of the Westside Alumni Foundation since 1998, this building and the land it was built on has much longer reaching history to it. It was farmland that changed hands multiple times. Notable owners of the farmland were the Cash family, the Loveland Farms Company, and the Love family.The house and the servant's house were both built in 1927 by Prudence H. Reese.

Front of the House

Front of the House

Side of house with garage

Side of house with garage

Living room

Living room





Second Floor (panoramic)

Second Floor (panoramic)

Third floor bedroom

Third floor bedroom



Servant house

Servant house

Dana Jones, a person living in Vermont, sold the land to the Cash family in 1908 for exactly 20,000 dollars. In 1912 Cash sold the land to Loveland Farms Company with Archibald and Harriet Love, who were in their debt apparently, farming the land. Eventually The Loves gained their land in 1918. They then sold the land to Terry Horton in 1927, who built the very house under the legal requirement that it not be used for agricultural purposes. 9 years later, they sold the estate to Prudence Reese and her husband. constructed. In 1936, Don and Selma Woodyard became the owners.

In the year of 1946, M. Cooper Smith and his wife Hildred bought the now smaller property and home for $42,500 from the Woodyards. Smith was an executive that sold the house to Dr. Cletus Baum and his wife Alma in 1956. From the time they arrived there to the time they moved in 1982, the property shrunk from several acres to about 1 and 1/2 to make room for Westside High School. Apparently, while they lived their, Catholic mass and exorcisms were performed their because of strange occurrences happened in the home. The last owner of this home was Lavonne K. Plambeck. In 1998 Westside bought the property and the restoration of the building was funded by businessmen and alumni member John Hoich. That is the history of the Westside Alumni Foundation house so far.

Jones, Dana G.. Pearson, Theodore G.. Deed Record.. Book 326. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, 1909: 216.

Jones, Dana G.. Bandle, Frank W.. Deed Record . Book 352 Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, December 7th, 1911: 414-5.

Cash, Thomas & Sarah. Bandle, Frank W.. Deed Record. Book 364. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, September 3rd, 1912: 214.

Love, Archibald & Wife. Bandle, Frank W.. Deed Record. Book 379. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, May 7th, 1914: 249.

Love, Archibald &wife. Pearcce, Harry. Deed Record. Book 553. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, 1927: 165.

Love, Archibald & Wife. Pearce, Harry. Deed Record. Book 549. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, December 1st, 1927: 25A-27A.

Reese, Prudence E. . O'Connor, Thomas J. Deed Record. Book 639. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, May 23rd, 1936: 690.

Woodyard, Don B. Woodyard, Selma Carney. Warrenty Deed. Book 797. Omaha, Nebraksa. Douglas County Register of Deeds, December 7th, 1946: 565-566.

Smith, M. Cooper. Smith, Hildred B.. Warrenty Deed. Book 999. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, July 24th, 1956: 175.

Palmbeck, LaVONNE K.. Palmbeck, Don. Warranty Deed. Deed 2012. Omaha, Nebraska. Douglas County Register of Deeds, October 6th, 1998: 744.

Buerman, Max. Interview with Sue (Baum) Wilson, November 12th, 2019.

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