St. Stephen's Cathedral
Text-to-speech Audio
Front of St. Stephen cathedral after the latest renovation in 2012
![Front of St. Stephen cathedral after the latest renovation in 2012](
Exterior of St. Stephen's previous location at 2nd and Mulberry streets
![Exterior of St. Stephen's previous location at 2nd and Mulberry streets](
interior of St. Stephen's previous location at 2nd and Mulberry streets
![interior of St. Stephen's previous location at 2nd and Mulberry streets](
Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
In the early days of the county, Catholic settlers would gather at private residences where traveling priest Rev. B.J. Durbin would officiate mass. The first official religious services of the Catholic faith were held at a log cabin on the farm of William Coomes about a mile below town by Rev. John Wathen. The log cabin was used from 1835- 1839 when the need for a larger space became imminent. This same Rev. Wathen organized and built the first St. Stephen’s Church in 1842 at Second and Cedar Streets. That first church was 40 feet by 40 feet. In 1856 the church was enlarged to hold the growing parish.
Construction began on this current building in 1925 with the cornerstone laid on April 26, 1925. The cornerstone laying was regarded by the Owensboro Inquirer as "one of the greatest events in the history of Catholic activity in Daviess County."
After the dedication of the new church, the old church at Second and Cedar streets was stripped, furniture was disposed of and it was sold.
About Us, Saint Stephen Cathedral. Accessed December 13th 2019.
Owensboro Inquirer (Owensboro) September 5th 1926. Sunday ed, St. Stephen's Dedication sec, 21-32.
Daviess County Public Library
Daviess County Public Library