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Camp Ridgecrest is an all boys camp located in Ridgecrest North Carolina. It was founded in 1929 because of a need for a boys camp. Camp Ridgecrest hosts the largest and oldest vertical log structure that is East of the Mississippi River. This log building has a kitchen, dining halls, and a gym for the campers. This Christ centered camp allows young boys to grow in their faith and grow in themselves.

Mornings at Camp Ridgecrest

Mornings at Camp Ridgecrest

Camp Ridgecrest 1929

Camp Ridgecrest 1929

Camp Ridgecrest is an all boys Christian summer camp. Here boys are able to be themselves without the thought of impressing girls or trying to look their best. They will grow spiritually as well as physically and mature in who they are.

Founded in 1929 by Mr. Noble Van Ness, who was involved with Boys Scouts, wanted to open an all boys camp because of the all girls camp, Camp Swannanoa, on the other side of the lake. After two weeks of trying camp, they found it being a success and started to plan for 1930. Still standing, Camp Ridgecrest has a log building that holds a gym, dining hall, fireplace, and a kitchen that is the largest and oldest log structure thats East of the Mississippi River. Now, Camp Ridgecrest has grown to become an all boys Christian camp serving two, four, and six week sessions. It has also grown to host church camps like Fuge, and across I-40 is an all girls camp: Camp Crestridge.

About Us: Ridgecrest Summer Camps for Boys. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2020, from

In 1929 by Mr.Noble Van Ness, the camp was first opened as a two week trial for boys. It was a hit and multiplied over the years. They had a fireplace, mountain settings, and worship. They portray the teachings of Jesus Christ, love, grace, and truth. Ridgecrest wants every camper to have an individual and spiritual growth. This websites allows for families and visitors to know the core values of the camp and to know the history of the camp. This will give everyone a sense of why camp is here and what camp does for children. 

What Makes Us Unique. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Ridgecrest camp has been from 1920s which is when their mission statement has been made. Through outdoor adventures for internal strength to quiet times in the mountains, camps will grow to be who God wants them to be. Safety is addressed as well as time away from electronics and the real world. This source has all of the information on why a parent should send their son to camp. 

Image Sources(Click to expand)

About Us: Ridgecrest Summer Camps for Boys. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2020, from

About Us: Ridgecrest Summer Camps for Boys. (n.d.). Retrieved February 3, 2020, from