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This memorial honors Marjorie Lovell McBride, an American veteran, who shares a common undeniable goal with all American veterans to protect our country's freedoms. Forever a symbol of heroism, sacrifice, loyalty and freedom. "During the time I have had WACs under my command, they have met every test and task assigned to them...their contributions in efficiency, skill, spirit, and determination are immeasurable." -General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Wedding dinner for Lieutenant Marjorie Lovell and Lieutenant D.C. McBride.

Wedding dinner for Lieutenant Marjorie Lovell and Lieutenant D.C. McBride.

Marjorie Lovell

Marjorie Lovell

Army Nurse Corps Branch Insignia

Army Nurse Corps Branch Insignia

Marjorie Shirley Lovell was born on August 30th, 1916 to Mr. and Mrs. Lovell in Barnstable Village. She was a graduate of Barnstable High School’s class of 1933. She later went on to graduate from the Boston Children’s Hospital of Nursing in 1937. She worked as a night supervisor at the hospital for four years until she enlisted in the Armed forces.

In 1942 she received orders for active duty at Camp Edwards as a reserve nurse. That same year she got shipped out to England as Lieutenant of the Army Nurse’s Corp and she would go to serve in the invasion of Northern Africa, Sicily, and Italy. In August 22, 1944 she married First Lieutenant D. C. McBride of the Army Tanks Corp in Naples, Italy. On February 2, 1945 the army transport plane Army Lieutenant Marjorie McBride was boarded on crashed into the Italian Alps which resulted in her death. All of the passengers aboard the flight were killed. The plane crashed due to heavy fog and low visibility. Her remains were brought back and buried at Woodside Cemetery in Yarmouth Port.

Marjorie McBride was the only woman honored as veteran who gave her life for our country and our town. The memorial stone for Lieutenant Marjorie Lovell McBride is located on Millway near the Cobb Hill Cemetery, overlooking Barnstable Harbor. 

"Vital Statistics." The Hyannis Patriot March 7th 1917. .

"Barnstable." The Yarmouth Register July 1st 1933. .

"Barnstable." The Yarmouth Register May 21st 1937. .

"Barnstable." The Yarmouth Register April 3rd 1942. .

"Lieut. Marjorie Lovell Arrives in England." The Yarmouth Register November 6th 1942. .

Accessed March 13th 2020.

"Barnstable Nurse Killed as Plane Crashes in Alps." The Yarmouth Register February 23rd 1945. .

"Army Nurse’s Body Brought Home to Cape." The Yarmouth Register November 19th 1948. .

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