1st Sergeant Henry C. Copley
Text-to-speech Audio
Henry C. Copley

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
Henry C. Copley was born on September 13th, 1885, in Huntington to Mose and Emma Copley. He lived in Huntington and entered service in 1907. He served in Panama for 3 years and as an instructor at Camp Lee, Virginia, having reenlisted 3 times. He was preparing to sail for France as a First Sergeant in the 80th Division, US Army, when died of pneumonia on January 1st, 1918.
[From In the Service of Their Country - used with permission of the author]
Woodard, Benjamin. In the Service of Their Country: The Story of the Soldiers from Cabell County, West Virginia, Who Gave the Ultimate Sacrifice in the Great War. Sixth Printing. Benjamin Woodard - Lulu, 2019.
Honor Roll of Cabell County, W.Va. - Author's Picture (Benjamin Woodard)