The IVY Society
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IVY Society symbol
IVY sisters at their Spring Formal
162 Allen Place - The IVY Chapter house
Backstory and Context
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IVY first started at Tri-Delta and was founded at Trinity in February of 1981. Tri-Delta was founded at BU in 1888 and took almost 100 years to establish a chapter at Trinity. The girls opened the Beta Omega Chapter and it was the 122nd active chapter. Before 1981 Tri-Delta was Kappa Alpha Phi and eventually the local sorority wanted to affiliate nationally.
They wanted to colonize as Tri-Delta because having a national affiliation helped them with scholarship funds, summer leadership school, and assistance from local Tri-Delta Alumnae. At the time Tri-Delta was the first soroity to obtain a house on campus. They were located on Vernon St right next to then what was the Religion/Philosophy building.
Since then, IVY has converted into a local sorority again, and grown over the years since 1995-1997. Ivy is, “dedicated to building lasting friendship, developing strong social and academic personalities, and most importantly, forming well-rounded women.” It is a very popular sorority on campus today, and will continue to uphold the legacy of past sororities as well as creating new opportunities of growth for them as a Greek organization.
Vaughn, Madison. A Recap of the Greek Life Organizations on Campus, Accessed December 16th 2019.
Corderman, Mary Ann. "National Representative Helps Tri-Delta Girls Organize." Trinity Tripod (Hartford ) March 10th 1981. , Announcements sec, 4-4.,+Hartford,+CT+06106/@41.7522142,-72.6904567,3a,75y,5.61h,97.66t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sVABI_AOtuJtLbAaWDKRmuA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e6533ee82d585f:0xebb1bb0a93c80e5a!8m2!3d41.7523764!4d-72.6904577