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Historic Beltline Walking Tour
Item 5 of 20
These are the Hull Estates named for William Roper Hull. It's located on the former mansion called Langmore, a photo of Langmore can be seen below. Hull was born in England and left for North America in 1873 in his teens. After crossing Panama by foot and catching a steamer to Victoria, he ventured into the British Columbia interior and then over the Rocky Mountains to Calgary where he began selling horses to the Northwest Mounted Police. By 1886, he had expanded into ranching and meatpacking, supplying beef to the railroad construction crews. His new fortune allowed him to build Calgary's first opera house in 1893. He also built one of its first skyscrapers the six-story Grain Exchange Building that still bears his initials today. When he built his home here in 1905 on 1.7 acres of land, his only neighbours were Peter McCarthy across 6th Street and James Lougheed on 13th Avenue. The home which he and his wife Em named Langmore was a solid two-story mansion built on a sandstone foundation.

"Langmore" William Roper Hull Residence c. 1910.

"Langmore" William Roper Hull Residence c. 1910.

Demolition of Hull House, 1970

Demolition of Hull House, 1970

True to his British heritage, Hull turned the grounds into a lawn for tennis, croquet, and lawn bowls. It was also the site of lavish garden parties. Tragically in 1970, Langmore was demolished to make way for the Hull Estates. The final photo of Langmore can be seen below. Even though Langmore was demolished, Hull left his mark on the city of Calgary in many ways. As a philanthropist, he contributed heavily to the local Canadian Red Cross and to various hospitals. Although childless he left the majority of his estate to a treatment centre for troubled children and that legacy continues today at William Roper Hall Child and Family Services (Hull Services).


Image Sources(Click to expand)

NA. na-1702-13, Glenbow Archives

Glenbow Archives NA-2864-5805