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States Dyckman's Dream House
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This is a contributing entry for States Dyckman's Dream House and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.
My name is Kurt Rhoads, and I am delighted you decided to visit us today. My wife, Nance, and I will be your guides on this virtual tour. Please start walking along this red brick path. It's not the yellow brick road, but while you are with us, you will meet some extraordinary people and hear their wonderful and hair-raising stories. Nance and I moved here a number of years ago because this place is full of history, and one of the most beautiful places in the world. We think so anyway - we hope you'll agree. If you haven't already visited the mansion, you must take a guided tour of it by one of our docents. They'll tell you what went on inside Boscobel. We'll tell you what happened outside. Now, you have a nice decision to make: What story to hear first?

Red Brick Path through the Apple Orchard

Red Brick Path through the Apple Orchard

Brick Path through Formal Garden

Brick Path through Formal Garden

Brick Path to Great Lawn and the View

Brick Path to Great Lawn and the View

The View from Boscobel

The View from Boscobel

Well this view is breathtaking, don't you think? It was the main reason why Ben Frazier and Mrs. Lila Acheson Wallace chose this spot when a new site for Boscobel had to be found in the early 1960s. How and where this lovely house was built in the first place and then saved from the wrecker's ball is an amazing story in itself. In it, Nance will tell you about Boscobel. After that, I 'll do another walk and talk with you, this time on the way across the lawn, over to the Belvedere.
