First Presbyterian Church (Pastor Rev. McFarland)
Text-to-speech Audio
First Presbyterian Church (1883)

First Presbyterian Church (built 1890)

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
The location of Pastor McFarland's home remains to be fully determined, however it is presumed to be a dwelling adjacent to the church at the corner of C Street and S 11th, just up the hill from the Alpha Opera House.
It is reported that the Committee of Fifteen stopped by Pastor McFarland's home to demand that he fire his Chinese servants, but he did not employ any. Angry at about the confrontation, Pastor McFarland began to sermonize on the issue which led to him being targeted by the publisher and editor of the newspaper. As a result, the level of community anger about his sermons were such that he began carrying a gun to protect himself and his family.
Sanborn Map, Library of Congress - 1885 Sanborn Map for Tacoma. Accessed September 30th 2020.
First Presbyterian Church
Richards Studio Collection, Tacoma Public Library (C117132-38)