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Jersey City East Side Walking Tour
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Founded in 1980 as the C.A.S.E (Committee for the Absorption of Soviet Emigres) Museum of Russian Art, this museum features works by modern and contemporary Russian artists. The majority of the collection came from human rights activist Alexcander Glozer. During the 1980s and 1990s the museum began showing works by prominent Russian artists. Its reputation has grown and now holds a prominent position in the Russian art and cultural scene. The museum holds exhibitions, lectures and other events throughout the year. Hours are variable by current events and are published on the museum's website.

The MORA building.

The MORA building.

About Us, Museum of Russian Art. Accessed October 16th 2020.

"Unofficial Soviet Art On View in Jersey City." The New York Times (New York) October 27th 1981. C sec, 9-9.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Hudconja. "Museum of Russian Art (MORA)." 2011. Wikimedia. Accessed October 16, 2020.