Jack’s Cookie Company to 933 Hub
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Jack's Cookie Company
933 Hub
Backstory and Context
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We’ve now come almost full circle on our history walk. Just head north and cross the railroad tracks to get back to the mill that started it all.
Thank you for taking this journey, and hopefully, you have learned about the various transformations of this community, as well as the systems that caused displacement and promoted decline.
Like many cities across the country, Charlotte is grappling with the consequences of the past and continued displacement, while under-invested areas become desirable again. Belmont remains a diverse community with a wide range of home sizes, socio-economic levels, and racial makeup. The challenge is to keep this mix and integrate long-term and newcomer residents. Without more equitable systems and approaches, displacement and the tale of two cities is likely to continue.
This concludes the Charlotte's Belmont Neighborhood City Walks tour. City Walks Charlotte would love to hear from you about your experience participating in this year's tours. To take a brief survey, click the link at the bottom of this page.