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Clarksburg Historic Places of Worship
Item 5 of 7
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Clarksburg Presbyterian congregation officially formed in 1829. Many of Clarksburg’s most historied families, such as the Coplin, Moore, and Davis families, were all members of the congregation during its earliest years. By 1834, a subscription paper had begun circulating with the intent to fund a physical church building. Congregation members donated materials and services such as “$12.00 in shingles,” and “$5 in Blacksmithing.” Waldo P. Goff, the owner of Clarksburg’s most famous home, Waldomore, donated an ambiguous “$20.00 in goods.” Robert Wilson of Greene County, Pennsylvania performed a bulk of the construction work to create a simple brick structure. The first pastor, Reverend Asa Brooks, had his salary paid through the renting of pews. The closest rows were $12 a year while prices decreased for further pews, down to $4 a year. When the church acquired a music budget it included provisions for a harmonium, violin, bass viol, and flute. In 1893, the congregation had outgrown the original brick structure, so it was demolished. It was replaced with a much larger building that still stands today. The First Presbyterian Church is typical of late nineteenth century Gothic Revival architecture. A sharply pointed tower stands at the corner of the building, rather than in the center. Large ornate windows feature pointed arches and mullions. A simple gabled roof is supported by equally unornamented dentils. Other than a well-hidden 1952 addition, the First Presbyterian Church has maintained its facade for over a century.

The First Presbyterian Church.

Cloud, Sky, Window, Plant

This 1911 photo of the church shows how little the exterior has changed over the past century.

Building, Sky, Tower, House

David, J. N. "Reminiscences of the First Presbyterian Church of Clarksburg." Clarksburg Telegram (Clarksburg) August 4th 1893.

Pauley, Michael J. Clarksburg Downtown Historic District, National Register of Historic Places. July 19th 1982. Accessed April 2nd 2021.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Clarksburg Visitors’ Bureau. Accessed April 2nd 2021.

“First Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg, W. Va.” 1911. West Virginia & Regional History Center. Accessed April 2nd 2021.