7 Minute Mineral Spring
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The crowning jewel of many restorations by the Mineral Springs Foundation, the gazebo at 7 Minute Spring Park incorporates the 1880’s design of a structure that once sheltered the popular Ute Iron spring on Ruxton Avenue. In 1909, 7 Minute spring was drilled adjacent to the site of the former Manitou House hotel and produced a geysering event every 7 minutes. A replacement well was drilled in 1993, along with the development of the surrounding 7 Minute Spring Park. Two fonts were designed by Bill Burgess and Don Green in collaboration with Maxine Green.


Backstory and Context
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Through the years, the 7 Minute Spring site has undergone many changes. Around 1920, a ramshackle building surrounded the spring offering concessions and curios. A sign read: “Mansions 7 Minute Spring,” indicating a connection with the nearby Mansions Hotel, built in 1875 and located just west of Manitou’s current fire station.
In the 1930s and 40s, the location took on a more rustic look. Enclosed in a rectangular log structure, 7 Minute Spring was still the main attraction among the curios and trinkets, but now a miniature railroad could be found encircling the property.
The 7 Minute Spring grounds eventually fell into disrepair. A few modest attempts were made to restore the spring, but none were very successful until the site was developed into 7 Minute Spring Park in 1993. The centerpiece of the park is a gazebo incorporating an 1880s design of a structure that once sheltered Ute Iron Spring on Ruxton Avenue. The park also features an outdoor amphitheater, sculpture garden, and beautiful views of the surrounding mountains. 7 Minute Park is the crowning jewel in the legacy of achievements on behalf of the community by the Mineral Springs Foundation.
About the Font Artist: Bill Burgess
The two 7 Minute Spring fonts were a collaboration. One by myself and one by Don Green, both with Maxine Green. It seems that our proposals had tied in the competition, and the committee decided to provide two fonts. Don’s piece would contain a spout in order for people to fill pitchers and jugs to take home. My sculpture was to simply display the water and be located inside the building. While working independently, we each took a cue from the lines and angles of our mountains and designed structures that would give strong accents to the flow of water. I made my design to accentuate that downward flow by having a pool near the top from which water would overflow onto ramps down two sides of the structure. On these ramps I installed glazed ceramic “washboard” plates arranged perpendicular to the fall of the water. This fracturing of the water gave it more visually interesting reflections and shadows, while also providing a different texture to the surface.
Manitou Springs Mineral Springs Foundation
Manitou Springs Mineral Springs Foundation