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Scott City Historic Walking Tour
Item 13 of 22
Stop #13 on the Scott City Historic Walking Tour: The National Hotel was the last hotel to be built in the 1800s and is the last one still standing. It was also one of two hotels in the town between 1886-1912. The National was built near the railroad line to accommodate new settlers and guests.

Bicycles in front of the National Hotel

Wheel, Mode of transport, oxcart, Working animal

National Hotel in lower left next to Cretcher Lumber Company

Building, Sky, Window, House

The last old hotel to be built in the 1800's is the only one still standing. Built in 1894, the original building is the north 3rd of the existing building and had a bakery built onto the back. Hotels and Livery Stables were some of the first buildings constructed when the town was started. The pioneers stayed in the town until they could get their claims proved up and their sod homes built. Most of the hotels had a restaurant inside the hotel, which was the case in the National Hotel.

The hotel has had many names through the years including: the National Hotel, the Hammond House, the Robinson Motor Inn, and the Chaparral Inn. It is currently known as the Broiler. Great piece of history still on our Main Street!

Lawrence, Deb. The National Hotel, Scott City History - Now & Then. January 19th 2017. Accessed May 8th 2021.

Photos courtesy of Scott County Historical Society. 902 W. 5th Street, Scott City, KS 67871.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Scott County Historical Society

Scott County Historical Society
