Joseph Heck Bakery
Text-to-speech Audio
According to the :
The site of the Heck Bakery was also the location of the first Pike County courthouse. During his October 1, 1858 visit Abraham Lincoln dined in front of Heck Bakery on gingerbread and cider with John G. Nicolay.
The last building that stood on the site was razed in 2018.
According to :
The bakery was originally located in Pittsfield's first county courthouse (1833-8), which occupied this site until razed in 1880.
Historic Marker on site:
"Site of Joseph Heck Bakery
Abraham Lincoln drank cider and ate gingerbread here. Site of the first Pike County courthouse in Pittsfield. The building was sold to Joseph Heck, a native of Durmersheim, Germany, born there in 1822. Heck emigrated to America in 1846, moving first to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and then here to Pittsfield in 1855. He was a grocer, baker and confectioner. John Nicolay took Lincoln to "Penny Hecks" for cider and gingerbread Oct 1, 1858, during his Senatorial campaign visit." ~ Abe Lincoln's Pike County

Backstory and Context
Text-to-speech Audio
According to the :
The site of the Heck Bakery was also the location of the first Pike County courthouse. During his October 1, 1858 visit Abraham Lincoln dined in front of Heck Bakery on gingerbread and cider with John G. Nicolay.
The last building that stood on the site was razed in 2018.
According to :
The bakery was originally located in Pittsfield's first county courthouse (1833-8), which occupied this site until razed in 1880.
Historic Marker on site:
"Site of Joseph Heck Bakery
Abraham Lincoln drank cider and ate gingerbread here. Site of the first Pike County courthouse in Pittsfield. The building was sold to Joseph Heck, a native of Durmersheim, Germany, born there in 1822. Heck emigrated to America in 1846, moving first to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and then here to Pittsfield in 1855. He was a grocer, baker and confectioner. John Nicolay took Lincoln to "Penny Hecks" for cider and gingerbread Oct 1, 1858, during his Senatorial campaign visit." ~ Abe Lincoln's Pike County