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Manitou Springs Historical Walking Tour
Item 6 of 31

On-a-Ledge was the original Craftwood Association residence. Built in 1912, On-a-Ledge is a wonderful example of Tudor architecture in Manitou Springs. Y.M. Yount, owner of Rockledge, built this house, adding an incredible series of eight foot high wall ledges in the back of the house property eight years later.


Sky, Plant, Building, Window


Sky, Building, Property, Window

The home boasts a drive-in garage underneath the house that is completely hidden by the structure.

The rock work alone cost Yount $75,000 in 1917. He trucked the stone in from Penrose and Canon City instead of using his own stone from the greenstone quarry.

A Dr. Thomas lived here until 1903 when he lost the property during the crash. In 1941 the Rosiers, who owned the Craftwood, bought On-a-Ledge and opened it up as a lodge. The Craftwood was then expanded into a restaurant. Ralph Sumner purchased both properties in 1963, expanding the restaurant dining area upstairs in the Craftwood and remaining open year round.

Historic Manitou Springs, Inc., is an educational non-profit based in Manitou Springs, Colorado, at the foot of Pikes Peak which operates the Manitou Springs Heritage Center and was formed in 1997 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Our mission is to collect, preserve, research, and interpret the history and culture of Manitou Springs and the Pikes Peak Region.

The intent of the organization is to educate citizens and visitors in order to increase appreciation and understanding of this unique community. Before opening the Center Historic Manitou was operated by a board of three persons–Jean Garrity, Deborah Harrison, and Michelle Anthony. During the initial 10 years, we developed a track record of participating in and supporting community projects and events, such as restoration of the Eastern Gateway Arch, rehabilitation of Mansions Park, installation of over 30 Historic Interpretive Plaques throughout town, and placement of the memorial in Crystal Valley Cemetery for Emma Crawford. We have presented the “Ghost Stories of Old Manitou” haunted walking tours as part of the Annual Emma Crawford Festival (i.e., the events surrounding the Coffin Races) since its inception.

Pearring, John. Pearring, Joanne. The Walking Tour - A Guide To Historic Manitou Springs. Volume Revised Printing. Manitou Springs, CO. TextPros, 1998.

Image Sources(Click to expand)

Joan Stang photo Dec 2021

Joan Stang photo Dec 2021