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Abenaki Trails
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Mount Kearsarge is one of the oldest mountains in New Hampshire and stands at 2,937 feet in elevation. It is home to both the Winslow and Rollins State Park's, and is a easy access family-hiking location. The hiking trails can be accessed by the parking area at Winslow State Park, the picnic area in Rollins State Park, and Kearsarge Valley Road south of the golf course. Please hike with caution and research the trails you will take before hiking. A link for the hiking trails in provided below.

Ancient glacier movement formed Mount Kearsarge's rugged summit across the region.

Sky, Cloud, Mountain, Plant

Throughout history many mountains have been considered sacred to the Abenaki of New Hampshire. One Mt. Kearsarge legend has it that a trapper named Eastman, who did trapping around the area of Bradford before colonial settlement, was a friend of the great Massasecum whose name translates to "man of great stature'. It is said that Eastman used a trail up the mountain to view his surroundings, and it is believed that Kearsarge Mountain Road was once the trail that both Eastman used, and the Pen8kok Abenaki used to go up Mt. Kearsarge for ceremonies. The trail has now been widened into a road that is used by cars.

Abenaki Trails Project; Fork of the Pag8ntegok (Contoocook, literally place of the nut trees) and Senebi (Sunapee, literally rocky water) Trails

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