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Georgia Gilmore and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

Created by Sylvia Marshall on April 22nd 2022, 3:13:46 am.
This tour has been viewed 10989 times.

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This driving tour through Montgomery includes over dozen sites related to the 1955-1956 Montgomery Bus Boycott and includes short audio clips with numerous members of the community. The tour was developed with a focus on the contributions of a variety of civil rights activists, including lesser-known figures like Georgia Theresa Gilmore and African American citizens and organizations. The tour also includes sites and narratives that demonstrate the courage and leadership of more well-known figures from Rosa Parks to Jo Ann Robinson and Martin Luther King, Jr. This tour is intended to serve as both a virtual tour and a practical way to explore over a dozen locations related to the boycott within a relatively short drive. Be sure to listen to the audio recordings embedded in some of the entries as they include oral histories from local residents.


African American History

