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M.B. Mayfield Heritage Trail
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This is a contributing entry for M.B. Mayfield Heritage Trail and only appears as part of that tour.Learn More.

The University Archives, located in the J.D Williams Library on the University of Mississippi campus, houses thousands of historical documents that represent Mississippi's past and present. The Archives allow us to understand Mayfield's story in relation to his time at the University of Mississippi and his life as a Mississippi resident. In the Archives we can find many materials that paint a broader picture of campus life, life in Oxford, and life in the south as a whole.

Entrance to the J.D Williams Library, where the University Archives is located.

exterior of library

Entrance to the University Archives on the 2nd floor of the J.D Williams Library.

interior stair leading to University Archives

The University of Mississippi Archives are an integral part of the M.B. Mayfield walking tour because they provide a historical lens as to what the university was like when Mayfield lived and worked on campus. Those interested in Mayfield’s life and legacy can look through the John Elon Phay collection in the archives or online. Dr. John Elon Phay, a professor of educational administration and the university’s Director of Education Research, took photographs of the campus beginning in 1949, the same year that Mayfield landed his job working out of Peabody Hall as a janitor. The 727 campus photographs offer a detailed glimpse at campus life in the early 50s, exactly as Mayfield would have seen it. Not only does the collection include pictures of Peabody, where Mayfield lived and worked, it also demonstrates campus segregation. Higher education at that time was socially and financially accessible only to a few, and these photographs give us a deeper perspective into what that looked like. Among these, there are also photographs featuring art works that were on display at the time.

In addition to the Phay Collection, the archives includes a copy of Mayfield’s autobiography, as well as an essay Mayfield wrote that is now part of the Memories of Mississippi Essay Collection. This essay details Mayfield’s childhood memories in relation to the Great Depression. It also discusses his home life and the ways his family sought to provide for themselves during difficult times. Many of Mayfield’s paintings feature scenes from his early childhood. All of these materials give us a unique perspective on Mayfield’s life and experiences and further let us appreciate his journey. 

Disclaimer: Dr. Phay’s complete collection includes thousands of photographs that were taken all over Mississippi. The photos depict segregation in public schools in multiple other counties. The pictures taken at this time portray a society that was plagued with prejudice and racism, of which the university and the History on Location class wholeheartedly condemn. Some may be sensitive to or offended by some of the material represented in this collection. These photographs are included as a historical resource to aid us in broadening our perspectives of Mississippi’s history, but they do not align with the values we wish to promote. A more detailed explanation of Dr. Phay and the photographs is available on the eGrove website. 

Entry by Katie Kerrigan

The University of Mississippi Archives. John E. Phay Collection, eGrove. Accessed May 1st 2022.,of%20selected%20public%20elementary%20and.

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Katie Kerrigan

Katie Kerrigan