First Avenue North Underpass Northside Mural
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The underpass northside mural was created by multiple artists, funded by the Great Falls Business Improvement District. Entitled "Great Falls History", each artist took a piece of our past and illustrated it for the mural. Building, landscapes, animals, and people populate the mural, located just south of the historic Milwaukee Railroad Station on the underpass wall. As you begin your walk, closer to Park Dr, you’ll see the Vinegar Jones cabin and as you progress in your walk you’ll move forward through the history of Great Falls, note the advancement of the railroad from one of the mural to the other. The BID employed four artists during the summer of 2013 to install this mural. It should be noted that the southside mural depicts the area surrounding Great Falls, while the northside mural depicts the history of the City. Many thanks to the Montana Department of Transportation for their support of the mural, which sits on MDOT property.
Great Falls History

Backstory and Context
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The Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Passenger Depot, located in Great Falls, Montana, was built in 1915 by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (also known as The Milwaukee Road). The Milwaukee Road was the last transcontinental railroad that entered Montana in 1907–1908 as a part of its "Pacific Extension”. The depot is a two-story brick building that includes a 135-foot tower. The building is rectangular in shape. The first floor held the waiting rooms, station agent's office and baggage rooms. Railroad offices were located on the second floor. It was designed by architect J. A. Lindstrand, who also designed the Milwaukee Depot in Missoula, Montana. The depot continued to serve the local community until the mid-1960s. The Milwaukee Road then ceased passenger service. After the railroad's bankruptcy, the building sat vacant until it was converted into a retail mall in the 1970s. The mall closed in the early 1980s. In 1988, the building was converted into an office building.
wikipedia, Great Falls Station
Various Artists